
Jean, OIP Batch 4. NgeeAnnPoly, LMGT.
know more about my daily life in Wuhan, for 42 days. :)

Listens. Current:
Life After You



Sunday, April 18, 2010

Day 39

Our second last day! We didn’t want to waste any time so we went Wal Mart to see if we had anything to buy, and had Dinner and KFC!

After that, we decided to have a Kbox session at Xiao Pin Mao! The place is called “Kuai Le Kong Jian” and the interior design was amazing! We got Wu Di and Zi Wei to come along as a form of “last gathering”, and they rushed over after their lesson. And guess what? They have lessons on SUNDAY NIGHT!!! Omg, I don’t think I can survive school life like that. -.-

Check out the awesome KTV! even to toilet is so cool!

they have TOUCH SCREEN controller for you to select songs!!!!! super cool i tell you! its just like controlling an iphone! :D

our last group photo! :(

: dressed at 11:32 PM | 0 Comments


Amanda. Mei Xiu Meow Lin Tee Li Yan Ting